Monday, 13 February 2012

I can transform ya!

I was going to post on the Grammy's fashion but didn't see anything that was worthy! Everyone played it safe and was quite boring and the ones that took, shall we say 'risks', shouldn't have (I'm looking at you Nicki Minaj). The real star of the whole weekend wasn't even at the main event but at a pre party. You'll never guess who this is! 

It's Amerie! I was staring for a good 10 seconds and had no clue it was her. Who knew a haircut could change your appearance so much.For those that don't know what she looked like before...

Even though its a overgrown bowl cut it suits her. The outfit and hair just makes her look younger without being a try hard and is perfect for any party.


  1. the hair is gorgeous- she looks 1000 x better than Nicki Minaj did too.

    Sophie x

  2. omg it would have taken me a million years to figure out that was her!!! she always looks pretty :)

    Corinne xo
